Consider this your formal invitation to our Grand Opening of The Rich Food Resource Center. Tens of thousands of people all over the world have already read Rich Food, Poor Food and joined The Rich Food Revolution. Now we invite you to explore all our Rich Food Resource Center has to offer. In it you will find exclusiveRich Food Coupons, the Rich Food Request List, a downloadable Fab 14 & Terrible 20 wallet guide – and so much more.

Explore the Rich Food Resource Center here.

Additionally, we have more great news! Yesterday February 26th was our official launch day for Rich Food, Poor Food and our publisher (the Great Mark Sisson – Primal Blueprint Publishing) informed us that ALL 24,000 copies that were printed for the first run have already shipped out and we are going to reprint! Thank you, thank you, thank you – to all of you who helped make this possible.

This past week Rich Food, Poor Food stayed right around #12 in all books on and went to:

  • #1 & #2 in Best Sellers in Food Counters (paperback & Kindle)
  • #1 & #2 Hot New Releases in Food Counters (paperback & Kindle)
  • #1 & #2 in Most Wished for in Food Counters (paperback & Kindle)
  • #1 in Gift Ideas for Food Counters
  • #1 & #3 in Hot New Releases in Healthy Living (paperback & Kindle)
  • #2 in Bestsellers in Healthy Living
  • #1 in Hot New Releases in Diets
  • #3 in bestsellers in Diets
  • #3 in most wished for in Diets. 

If you haven’t picked up your copy yet, here is what Rich Food, Poor Food readers are saying:


★★★★★ Eye Popping! – By LilChaoticOne

LOVE this book. It's crazy what passes for “food” in the country and day and age. This book is a MUST have for anyone serious about taking charge of their health. It's empowering to learn what all these terms the media, “food” packaging and others throw around that are so very familiar to us, but we have not one clue to what they mean or what the process actually is. I used to be all for GMO food, but the more I learn about it, the more I am against it. This book and several paleo books have given me so much information in the last month and a half it's just amazing what goes into our food and what should never be in our food to begin with. What's even better about this book is that you don't have to finish it to use it. You can start using it right away.

★★★★★ Love, love, love this book!!!! – Mary Alice Lynch

I just went online to order 10 copies from Amazon and they limited my order to FOUR!!!!

I plan to give a copy to all my friends for birthday gifts this year…. birthday gifts early as they shouldn't go a day without this book!!!!

★★★★★ Essential! – By Sam Torode

Though it's only February, I think it's safe to declare this the best food/nutrition book of 2013. It's chock full of important, little-known facts, plus practical shopping and recipe tips, and the appealing full-color layout makes it a joy to peruse.

★★★★★ It tells you exactly what you should buy! – By Louise Yang

This is not just another book saying generally “don't eat this, eat that” – this is a book that tells you exactly what you should eat complete with the photo of the brand of food you can go out and buy today. Or, if it's not something that you can buy, then they've put in a really simple recipe that you can make at home instead. I hate having to spend hours at the supermarket looking at the nutritional label of every product I pick up to check if it's healthy or not, and now with this book, I don't have to anymore!I also love how everything is color coded!

★★★★★ Everyone that eats should be required to read this book. – By Katrina Foe

This is a fundamental book that everyone should read before they go shopping again! It very clearly breaks down what the packaging means and what qualities you should look for in foods and why. The Caltons have done a great job of dispelling nutritional myths and explaining how this practically applies to everyday eating. Even if you already know a lot about nutrition and healthy cooking, you will still learn tons! This is an invaluable resource for anyone that would like to get healthier. It's also colorful and fun and you'll have a hard time putting it down!

See more here

We have also been doing a lot of media over the last few weeks and we wanted to share some of our favorite television interviews with you.

‪Avoid Breakfast bombs with RICH FOOD, POOR FOOD swaps!

The Caltons save you from a mealtime nutritional massacre!

DAYTIME welcomes the Caltons. Which foods in your grocery cart are making you fat and sick?

See all of our media here (TV, radio, podcasts & print)

We hope you enjoy The Rich Food Resource Center – make sure you explore each section. And again we thank each and every one of you for helping to make The Rich Food Revolution a reality!

Jayson & Mira