We want to start by saying thank you for sticking with us as we work through the supply chain issues of the last year. We want you to know we are doing everything possible to keep our inventory in stock while maintaining the quality you expect from us. As we move into...
Boost Energy and Support Longevity Eat your colorful plant foods because they are full of antioxidants! While you may have heard that antioxidants fight oxidative stress that can cause your cells to age prematurely, drive inflammation, and drive chronic disease, do...
It’s that time of year again! The holidays are a time of happiness and joy, but they can also be notoriously stressful. What if we told you that there was a way to reduce the amount of stress you feel this year? Sounds great, right? More happiness and joy – less...
Here at Calton Nutrition we are always listening to you…our extraordinary customers. Our goal is not only to supply you with the highest quality supplements to help you achieve micronutrient sufficiency, but also to hear your constructive criticisms and to address...
Being nutrition authors we know the drill. In this business, every spring hits with New Year, New You. All the new diet books come out promising a better YOU…not that they really know who you are, or what your personal goals are. The TV shows show off spring fashion...
Are you resolved to lose weight and improve your health this year…naturally? It is a new year and hundreds of thousands of individuals around the world are beginning 2018 with a promise to themselves, a New Years resolution, to lose weight. Actually, it is likely more...
As you know, we always love sharing the latest research with you on essential micronutrients. In this blog we are discussing the essential fatty acid: Omega-3. So, here you go…here are 3 new studies that explain why 3 specific types of people need to supplement with...
Welcome to 2017! It is a bright and shiny New Year filled with opportunity and we think that you should celebrate it by giving yourself the opportunity to try a new method of improving your health. We want you to gift yourself 28-days to work with our coaches in order...
Last week we talked to you about the problem with prescription medications. Now, we're sharing some information on over-the-counter drugs and how they may be affecting your body's ability to absorb nutrients. Take a look… Have you ever wondered how an antacid...
We've all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and recent studies have now solidified that motto. According to scientists from the University of Missouri, breakfast-skippers tend to weigh more and have other unhealthy habits. But you may be...
Wow! January is almost over. Can you believe it? This year is really flying by. Many of you, like us, likely made some New Year resolutions, but by now a lot of you might be letting them slide a bit already. We made a HUGE resolution this year. One we are not...