The Rich Food Locator Page was designed to help you locate farms, restaurants, farmers markets and CSAs offering raw dairy, grass fed/finished meat, pastured poultry and eggs and much more in your local area. Below you will find a selection of great web pages that will help to point you in the right direction.
To Eat Well anywhere visit:
Eat Well GuideĀ® is a free online directory for anyone in search of fresh, locally grown and sustainably produced food in the United States and Canada.
The Guide's thousands of listings include family farms, restaurants, farmers' markets, grocery stores, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs, U-pick orchards and more. Users can search by location, keyword, category or product to find good food, download customized guides, or plan a trip with the innovative mapping tool, Eat Well Everywhere.
To find grass-fed meat and wild caught fish in your area and to learn more about the problems with factory farming visit:
Your source for safe, healthy, natural and nutritious grass-fed beef, lamb, goats, bison, poultry, pork, dairy…and other wild edibles. Eat wild provides a comprehensive, accurate information about the benefits of raising animals on pasture.
The Meatrix Series: Produced by Sustainable Table and Free Range Studios, The Meatrix, The Meatrix II: Revolting, and The Meatrix II 1/2 expose the dirty truth behind today's industrial meat and dairy production. The movies use action and humor to educate audiences, while the website offers alternatives to the problems with industrial agriculture. Join our heroes Moopheus, Leo and Chickity as they confront industrial agriculture and help them save small family farms!
To learn more about and locate raw milk visit:
A great website that tells the history of raw milk. It has a lot of great information on scientific studies as well.
A great resource for information regarding the benefits of pasture-fed, unprocessed milk. Downloadable Power Point and PDF presentations are available. They have a real milk locator for all over the United States, as well as in 20 other countries worldwide.
A great website for information on raw milk as well as all traditional nutritional values. A man we very much respect, Weston Price traveled the world to examine health, nutrition and disease similarly to our Calton Project.
To find a local farmers market visit:
A great website for finding local and organic markets. Read popular blogs and locate farms where you can buy direct.