Dear Calton Nutrition Family,
This week marks the release of our NEW BOOK Rich Food, Poor Food, The Ultimate Grocery Purchasing System (GPS), a book we are beyond thrilled about. Those of you who have been following us lately know that we have been conducting a remarkable media/PR blitz for Rich Food, Poor Food even prior to it being available to the public! And it seems that our message about how to navigate past the hype and misinformation on food labels to emphasize the most nutritious foods in every aisle of the supermarket has resonated strongly with the national audience. We have taken several media trips to New York City, to meet with big wigs at NBC Dateline, Rock Center, Dr. Oz, Today, Cosmopolitan, Rodale, First For Women, Readers Digest, Food & Wine, All You, and Prevention, and have a meeting set up to talk to a senior producer at 20/20. Look for Rich Food, Poor Food in many of these venues in the next few months. We also taped an episode of Dr. Steve (a younger a better looking Dr. Oz type) and appeared four different times on the international morning show Fox& Friends, causing Rich Food, Poor Food to be sold out at Barnes & Noble stores across the country and to drop as low as 11 on in all books! Check out all our media here.
That brings us to today! Its time for our BIG push to try to get Rich Food, Poor Food to be a New York Times Bestseller – and we need YOUR help! Please purchase your personal copies, post reviews and blogs, and urge others to purchase RFPF between today, Thursday, February 21st and Friday, February 29th. The publishing world is a very funny place and we need to organize our sales into a defined time frame if we want to hit the bestselling list. They do not look at the number of books sold over a month or year, but between single week periods. So we want to pack as many sales as we can over the next two weeks. Mira and I cannot thank you enough for the support you have shown us over the past year and with your help we will make theRich Food, Poor Food a national bestseller!!
Amazon has a great ‘Look Inside' feature the will give you a good a sense of the book.
People have been telling us that they love the fact that Rich Food, Poor Food is relevant regardless of an individuals dietary profile. It’s literally a book for everyone who shops at the grocery store or farmers market. As always we focus on the importance of micronutrients in the diet – obtaining maximum nutritional value by choosing the freshest Rich Foods with the best growing methods; choosing the brands who have sincere commitments to ingredient and manufacturing health standards; and avoiding the manipulative advertising, misleading packaging, and over 150 Poor Food ingredients that may be dangerous to your health.
If you are a person who believes that your diet is dialed in right now, I have news for you: even we learnt things when we were writing Rich Food, Poor Food! For example, did you know that most often when you see sugar on an ingredients list it is genetically modified? That’s right, approximately 55% of all sugar on an ingredient list is no longer from sugar cane, but from sugar beets. That is not the source most people think of when they see the word sugar. The problem is that 95% of all sugar beets are Genetically Modified (GMOs). Many seasoned dieters allow sugar into their foods now and again—Rich Food, Poor Food may make them reconsider purchasing any product that contains this Poor Food ingredient. (Tip: organic sugar is never a GMO)
You’ll also see a chapter on grains in the book, where we detail the compelling reasons why we have taken wheat out of our diet. If you have been thinking of ditching the wheat or if you are gluten intolerant you are going to love Rich Food, Poor Food. Every RICH FOOD pick is wheat free. Now don’t worry we didn’t skip over the bread, pasta and chips, they are all still in there, but we suggest superior alternatives and replacement strategies to avoid the highly offensive wheat-based products, including some clever recipes for bagels and pasta that are far less objectionable than mainstream products.
We are on a mission to change as many lives as possible, one-step at a time. If you or your family and friends are still in the wheat eating category, the grain chapter of Rich Food, Poor Food might just deliver the insight and inspiration needed to trend further and further in the direction of health – and perhaps someday to become wheat free!
We hope we have encourage you to grab a copy of Rich Food, Poor Food, while your at it send a copy to a friend or family member who might not be quite as receptive to your lectures on better health as you would like, but might appreciate some guidance in navigating the big bad grocery store. The bottom line is this, we are absolutely sure you are going to love Rich Food, Poor Food. Whether you are a nutritional expert or new to the healthy eating arena you will find pieces of nutritional wisdom on practically every page that you can use immediately to improve the quality of your diet. As you know we don’t often ask you for things like this, but we really do need your help to reach the New York Times Bestselling List. Rich Food, Poor Food is a book that has the power to improve your health and change the world, buy it, read it and join the Rich Food Revolution today!
.Link to Amazon here to purchase Rich Food, Poor Food.
Thank you for your support,
Jayson & Mira