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Naked Calories reveals the naked truth about what you are eating and how your lifestyle habits may unknowingly be sabotaging your health. The secret lies in micronutrients, vitamins and minerals that are being stripped from your diet and depleted by your lifestyle. On the Caltons' six-year global research expedition they discovered that modern practices such as global food distribution, factory farming, and food processing are creating foods filled with Naked Calories –calories void of any real nutritional value. The dynamic authors break it down to a simple three-step plan and teach you how to source better foods, eliminate unhealthy habits, and make choosing the best supplement as easy as ABC.
Naked Calories, this decade's Fast Food Nation, will help millions of people gain a new depth of understanding about how to maintain health in the 21st century.

Despite alarmingly high obesity rates around the world, we have a ‘hunger’ crisis on our hands… a ‘hidden hunger’ borne out of a deep-seeded desire your body has for adequate micronutrients. Jayson and Mira Calton have put their finger on an all-but-ignored aspect of human nutrition. Naked Calories arms you with solid information about how to insure you are maximizing your intake of these all-important micronutrients.

I’ve always said the internal workout is as important as the external, what you eat determines your energy, weight control, and that’s just the start. Naked Calories gives a clear idea on all these topics and more. This is a must read!

Naked Calories is the tool we all need to understand exactly why and how we’re affecting our own micronutrient-sufficiency status and how to optimize it to achieve the best health we possibly can.

In my own life, I highlight choosing organic, pasture-grazed, and non-GM ingredients wherever possible, but we all know budget can get in the way of even the best health intentions. With Naked Calories, the Caltons give us a winning strategy for micronutrient sufficiency as they teach us how to boost the nutritional content of the meals we love and avoid common, micronutrient-depleting lifestyle habits—all without costing a penny extra!

Naked Calories changes the way you think about food, exercise, and your lifestyle. It’s a wake-up call to put your best foot forward. The good news is anyone can turn around and make healthy changes in their everyday lives. As former Biggest Losers, we would highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a fresh start to a better life!

The Caltons have updated the classic work of Weston Price, DDS by traveling around the globe to document the state of humanity’s nutrition. The result is practical, eye opening, and helpful. I highly recommend this book.

Naked Calories deserves to become a classic on par with Dr. Weston Price’s Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. The Caltons’ six-year expedition to more than 100 countries confirmed once again how modern diets and lifestyle changes sabotage health, leading to the consumption of ‘naked calories’ or foodless-foods, devoid of life-giving minerals and enzymes. If there is any book you need to read this season, Naked Calories is it!