This past weekend we had the pleasure of attending a mindshare with some of the smartest, most generous of spirit, health professionals from around the world. JJ Virgin, the woman behind the Sugar Impact Diet, whom we have introduced you to before here on our site, hosts this high level event twice a year. We have been lucky enough to attend now for two years. It is an opportunity to interact with other best-selling authors, practitioners, doctors, bloggers, researchers and product manufacturers all in the health and wellness business. We say business, because while we absolutely love what we do, of course, this is still a business, however the focus of the event is not on designing better websites or creating leads, but rather on sharing our knowledge and forming collaborations, so that we can help each other, author to author, and practitioner to practitioner, and in so doing elevate each other. We know that our reach is far greater as a group, and together we can make real strides towards helping those suffering from poor health around the world. As JJ Virgin always reminds us: “A rising tide lifts all boats,” and we, as a community of dedicated, passionate, health professionals, can have greater impact when supporting each others work.
Attending these mindshare events is always a kick in the butt. We are reminded of why we sit for seemingly endless hours reading research studies, formulating innovative supplements, and writing our books. It is because we want to see this massive change occur. We want to bring awareness to a topic that up until now has been sadly overlooked. We are talking, of course, about our passion for micronutrients. Our goal is to teach health-conscious individuals all over the world the health producing power of micronutrient sufficiency so that they can lead longer, disease-free, extraordinary lives. As you all know, we are the “Micronutrient Couple.” We live in this space because we are fascinated by the immense power of these teeny micronutrients. We know that being deficient in any one of the essential vitamins, minerals, EFAs or amino acids can lead to not only minor discomforts like poor sleep, irritability and food cravings but over time can also cause life-threatening and debilitating diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis. We have been trying to spread this knowledge- first in our book Naked Calories, then by offering micronutrient Rich Food alternatives in our second book Rich Food Poor Food, and finally, in our soon to be released 28-day plan, The Micronutrient Miracle. And at this mindshare we learned that many of our colleagues are also coming to the same conclusion!
(Here's a little glimpse of us with our great friends, “The Spa Doctor”, Dr. Trevor Cates and our very favorite hormone specialist, Dr. Tami Meraglia!)
It was amazing! At the event we spent time with some incredible people. People we will be introducing to you in the months to come. We got to sit down and talk for hours about what they do and really get to know them…and guess what? All of these talented and wildly successful health professionals understood what we have been preaching. In fact, not only did they understand it, but in their practices they all use micronutrient therapies of some kind. So, while they might write about healing Hashimoto’s, like the brilliant and gorgeous Izabella Wentz author of The Root Cause, or be a celebrity trainer, like our dear friend and Biggest Loser coach, Brett Hoebel, or treat hormonal imbalances, like the fabulous Dr. Tami of the soon to be released book The Hormone Secret, they all find correcting micronutrient imbalances to be key to what they teach. Our friend Dave Asprey, of the wildly popular, Bulletproof Diet, was at the mindshare as well, and even his book blames anti-nutrients for illness and a person’s inability to focus and think. And what do anti-nutrients do? They deplete you of the very micronutrients we have been shouting about from rooftops for the past few years.
It was so exciting! While at first glance it may look as though the health books inundating the marketplace are all completely different, offering seemingly unique solutions to help you overcome a variety of health conditions, this recent mindshare made us realize that the overwhelming value and essential nature of vitamins and minerals is now being recognized by clinicians from every nutritional discipline and philosophy. It is, as we have always said, Micronutrient sufficiency is a requirement of optimal health. This is the first law of nutritional science. Regardless of whether you are trying to heal your autoimmune disorder, improve your physical performance, balance your hormones, or even live a bulletproof lifestyle, none of these things are even possible without first becoming sufficient in your essential micronutrients. In the end it all comes down to…micronutrients.
We used to feel that our topic was not very sexy or popular, but as you have probably noticed, things are really turning around for the mighty micronutrient. More and more we see blog posts and media pieces touting the benefits of one micronutrient or another. And rather than just looking for the next diet craze, people are now looking for lifestyle programs that will result in better health. Yes, many people want to lose weight too, but vitamins and minerals can actually help with that as well. These once ignored micronutrients are going to take the spotlight that they deserve in the years to come. And we can all help to improve the health of this planet by sharing the message of micronutrient sufficiency and supporting this micronutrient revolution. As the saying goes, “A rising tide lifts all boats”, and with the help of each person reading this right now (yes, we are talking to you) we can spread this message together.
Each and every one of us has the power to share this message and influence the health of those around us. You never know whose life might change because you did. Maybe a co-worker will discover that they can eliminate their cravings because you tell them about the power of micronutrients and they learn to become sufficient in calcium and magnesium. Perhaps the knowledge you share can reduce a friend’s depression, improve a child’s attention in school, or add years to a parents life. The possibilities are endless because micronutrients affect the health of every single person on the planet. Together, by raising awareness we can stop the infighting between dietary philosophies. The truth is the same whether you are vegan, paleo, raw or low-carb. It was the same for every health professional at our mindshare over this past weekend. The truth is, micronutrient deficiency is the most widespread and dangerous health condition of the 21st century. This is because the world is largely deficient in the vitamins and minerals that we need to live long, healthy lives. And when you become sufficient in these essential micronutrients you aren’t just alive…you thrive! You shift from living an ordinary life to living an extraordinary life. That is what we want for you.
P.S. Wondering how to help move the needle? With 99% of Americans suffering from a deficiency in at least one micronutrient (likely more than 1) there is a huge likelihood that someone close to you is falling into this potentially dangerous situation. The best way you can help them, and help us to spread this message, is to allow them to realize that this deficiency exists. That is why we created our personal Micronutrient Sufficiency Quiz. It is a great way to introduce them to the world of micronutrients and allow them to discover for themselves their current sufficiency/deficiency level…and its fun! They will actually thank you for sharing the quiz with them. You can send them to Calton and help us help them start down the path to living extraordinary lives!