Diabetes does not discriminate when it comes to age. Whether you’re young or old, diabetes is an equal opportunity disease. Globally, this disease has left its mark as its prevalence continues to grow at an alarming rate, with the World Health Organization estimating that diabetes will become the seventh leading cause of death by the year 2030. [1] But don’t panic, because you can make a difference today. It’s absolutely possible to prevent, and in some cases even reverse, diabetes in both adults and children.
We believe in the healing power of micronutrient sufficiency. In other words, we believe that getting enough of your essential vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids (EFAs) and amino acids is essential to achieve and maintain a state of optimal health. Because of this, we created a simple 3-step approach to becoming micronutrient sufficient to help our clients prevent and reverse a whole host of diseases, as well as achieving a balanced internal environment where optimal health can be realized.
The Micronutrient Miracle 3-Step Approach to Micronutrient Sufficiency for Diabetes:
Step 1 Diet: Get rid of the foods that feed diabetes.
Step 2 Lifestyle: Reduce and/or adjust the lifestyle habits that can cause diabetes.
Step 3 Supplementation: Supplement with micronutrients that research has shown to be successful in the prevention or treatment of diabetes.
STEP 1: The Diet Connection
Even though some cases of diabetes can be linked to genetics, more often than not factors well within our control are to blame. Now, we know most people can’t completely stop eating all of the unhealthy fake foods out there, but if you are serious about preventing or controlling your diabetes here are the top 6 foods you absolutely need to eliminate from your diet.
Eliminate the following foods to reduce your diabetes risk:
- Sugar: causes insulin resistance, depletes vitamin C. Researchers at Harvard University found that just drinking one sugar-sweetened beverage a day could increase the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by a whopping 83%. [4]
- Sugar Substitutes: disrupts the natural balance of the microbiome. A 2014 study found that up to 57% of participants that ingested sugar substitutes for only a week developed a significant intolerance to glucose. [9]
- High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS): causes metabolic syndrome as well as insulin resistance, coronary microvascular disease, and oxidative stress, which are all associated with diabetes. HFCS has a negative effect on calcium, chromium, magnesium, zinc, and copper levels in the body.
- Wheat: The Amylopectin A in wheat has been linked to causing elevations in blood sugar and insulin. In fact, most people have no idea that eating only a single slice of whole wheat bread has been shown to cause a greater spike in insulin than a candy bar! [12] Due to wheat’s phytates, oxalates, and trypsin inhibitors the following micronutrients are at risk: A, B3, D, E, K, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, and zinc. The lectins found in wheat affect all your vitamins and minerals by causing leaky gut.
- Monosodium Glutamate (MSG): increases insulin secretion, which plays around with your blood sugar levels, leaving you hungrier much faster. In the end, the food you eat starts to control you, setting up an intense addiction to nutritionally naked foods filled with ingredients like sugar, HFCS, wheat and MSG that can all raise insulin while sending blood sugar levels on a wild rollercoaster of extreme highs and lows.
- High Carbohydrate Foods: You don’t even need one gram of carbohydrates to survive and thrive! Individuals who eat carbohydrates all day consistently have an elevated insulin concentration in their blood, which leads to weight gain, insulin resistance, and possibly diabetes.
The second step in our 3-step approach, making lifestyle changes, is very similar to the first. Just like diet, anyone can examine their lifestyles habits and make changes as needed. The 3-lifestyle changes that greatly decrease the likelihood of diabetes that we will be discussing here are:
- Body Weight: As more and more children and adolescents are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, the rates of overweight and obesity in our youth continue to climb simultaneously, implying that the more body fat one has the higher the risk of developing insulin resistance, a precursor to Type 2 diabetes. It was found that incidences of diabetes were nearly 80% higher in the overweight children, concluding that BMI is a strong predictor of developing Type 2 diabetes. [16]
- Physical Exercise: According to the World Health Organization over 80% of the world’s adolescent population fails to get sufficient physical activity. [17]. Scientific studies have determined that physical activity caused improvements in levels of insulin sensitivity and C-peptide (an indicator of insulin production in the pancreas). These benefits became stronger as the children grew older. [19]
- Plastics: BPA has the propensity to cause your body to trigger almost double the release of insulin than it normally needs in order to break down food. [21] As we know, if insulin levels are constantly elevated, the greater the risk for developing a resistance to it, which causes weight gain and diabetes.
The third and final step is micronutrient supplementation. Send diabetes packing by making sure that you and your family are sufficient in all of your essential micronutrients. Because it is nearly impossible to obtain what you need through diet alone, supplementing with a high quality multivitamin such as nutreince can help to bridge the gaps and elevate you and your child’s health to a whole new level.
Here is a list of micronutrients (all covered in detail in the guide) that research has shown to be successful at preventing, treating, and potentially reversing diabetes.
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B3
- Vitamin B5
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin B7
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin K
- Chromium
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Manganese
- Selenium
- Zinc
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- CoQ10
- Quercetin
- L-Carnitine
- Curcumin
- Choline
The Strength of Sufficiency
As you can see, there are many different micronutrients that research has shown to be helpful in either the prevention or treatment of diabetes. Some of them can help keep diabetes at bay, while others have the potential to restore optimal health after diagnosis. Becoming sufficient in them all is an effective strategy against the development of mechanisms behind the triggering of diabetes.
Toss the traditional solution to diabetes: Statins
As a conventional treatment for the use of lowering high cholesterol in both adults and children, the use of statins comes with a price. If anyone over the age of ten has abnormally high amounts of cholesterol, then he or she may be prescribed a cholesterol-lowering drug like a statin. [50] This should be of concern because statins have been shown to increase the risk of developing diabetes. In a 2015 study published in Diabetologia, more than 8000 nondiabetic participants between the ages of forty-five and seventy-three were given a statin and observed for a six year period. At the end of this period, the researchers concluded that the statin treatment raised the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by 46% due to decreases in insulin sensitivity by 24% and insulin secretion by 12%. [51]
Putting it all Together: Our 3-step protocol to practice
As we mentioned above when it comes to battling diabetes head on, our 3-Step Approach to Micronutrient Sufficiency can’t be beat!
Step 1 Diet: Get rid of the foods that feed diabetes.
Step 2 Lifestyle: Reduce and/or adjust the lifestyle habits that can cause diabetes.
Step 3 Supplementation: Supplement with micronutrients that research has shown to be successful in the prevention or treatment of diabetes.
Whew! We’ve come a long way, and we want to congratulate you for taking the time to educate yourself on how you can use micronutrient therapy to prevent and even reverse diabetes. You’re doing both yourself and your family a big favor by arming yourself with the proper knowledge you need to truly transform your health. Download the Diabetes Vitamin and Mineral Handbook below and tap into the superhuman health benefits of those small, but mighty micronutrients.
References: All References can be found in the download.