Hi everyone,
Last month we were featured in the new BeMore! Magazine and we received amazing feedback from all of you about it. The magazine really is beautiful and people are reading it cover to cover. We are regular contributors and are excited to share some of our best stuff with you there – like our article this months edition – A Hard Pill To Swallow.(page 7)
What's even better? We're proud to be in the company of the “who's who” of the health, wellness, green, and philanthropy leaders of our world. Some of the biggest names in the space are all freely sharing their wisdom in the magazine and its a great vibe. The core motto of the mag- “Be of Service”.
Click HERE to check it out right now.
The magazine is extending FREE SUBSCRIPTIONS at this time and, when there eventually is a charge for it, all the people who got in early will be grandfathered in. We're encouraging you guys to jump on this because we know what's coming down the line with BeMore! and it is exciting to say the least. Its free for you and will remain free if you subscribe early. Stay tuned for an amazing iOS app and much more…
Again, grab your free copy HERE and check out what all the buzz is about.
Mira & Jayson
PS- We encourage you to share BeMore! with your friends and family as well…you'll see why when you read it 🙂