BREAKING NEWS!!!! The podcast we just did with Jimmy Moore on his Ask the Low Carb Experts show is currently #7 on iTunes health chart under the fitness and nutrition category. If you haven’t heard it yet download it now and listen to it when you get time this week. Thank you so much Jimmy for having us on your show to talk about our new book RICH FOOD, POOR FOOD – we love you!
Second, we have a winner!!! On December 14 we asked anyone who has tried nutreince to write in with a testimonial if they had one and on January 11 we would randomly select a person to win a 3 month supply of nutreince. That winner is…….Susan Gauthier – Congratulations Susan!
After reading Naked Calories I was convinced that stopping my daily vitamin pill and starting on Nutreince would give me a health “insurance policy” against future diseases. I didn’t expect any short-term effects. I am so pleasantly surprised at the (unexpected for me) appetite suppressing effect of Nutreince… cravings for junk food or bigger portions have been greatly reduced. I am down 2 pounds in a month with no effort towards losing weight. I love it!
~Susan Gauthier
Thank you to everyone who wrote in with a testimonial we will be putting up a testimonial section on the nutreince website soon to share them all. If you have a testimonial and want to submit it we would love to hear from you – just click here and shoot it over.
If you tried nutreince in the past and didn’t like the flavors or just could not get down that much water make suretry nutreince natural our NEW unflavored, unsweetened version of nutreince now with a full spectrum of tocotrienols from palm fruit and non-GMO vitamin k2! You can mix nutreince natural in just 3-4oz of water and the flavor possibilities are unlimited.