Triple Threat Ice Cream

What better way to have your meal replacement than to have triple threat ice cream? You can even enjoy this as a snack, or 4pm pick-me-up! Our triple threat has everything you need, our IN.POWER organic, non-gmo verified single ingredient whey protein, SKINNYFat, our combo of MCT and organic coconut oil, and of course the multivitamin reinvented, nutreince. Today we're using our PM chocolate nutreince, but you can definitely play around with this recipe to make LOTS of flavor variations!

  • Step 1 : Beat eggs
  • Step 2 : Slowly pour in heavy cream
  • Step 3: Pour in IN.POWER, cinnamon , nutreince, and stevita delight (turn it up)
  • Step 4: Add in SKINNYFat
  • Step 5: Add in gelatin slowly
  • Step 6: Put it into a dish in freezer or in popsicle containers or an ice cream machine to chill.


  • Last but not least, enjoy!