We hope you all enjoyed Mira’s interview last week from the movie Supplements Revealed and the inspiring testimonial from Elizabeth who was able to see a significant improvement in her bone mineral density (BMD) in just 5 months when using our Rebuild Your Bones 12-Week Osteoporosis Protocol. This week we would like to share Jayson’s interview from Supplements Revealed. There is so much really good information in this interview especially on why we invented our multivitamin nutreince – and how it is so different from any other multivitamin on the market. In these times, we all need to keep ourselves and our immune systems as strong and healthy as possible. Taking nutreince twice a day is like taking a daily dose of health insurance. Before you watch this weeks interview take a minute to read two testimonials we received from actual nutreince users.
“I was amazed that my wife and I actually felt a difference after taking your vitamins for less than a week! I figured it was good to take a multivitamin, but I didn’t expect to feel any different…We were wrong! Thanks so much ;)” —From Connor G.
“Hi Mira and Jayson, Just wanted to let you know what I think of your product. I have been taking the nutreince health drink for a number of years. Religiously. I have felt so well and healthy. My hair has grown long for the first time in my life!! And my nails are also the longest they have ever been. At this point I feel that I thought my growth was due to healthy eating…a high protein and low carb diet. However, last month I went abroad and decided not to take my supplements with me. Guess I couldn’t see the point, I forgot the reasons I was taking them. Within one week I began to experience ill health. Still didn’t connect my state to the health drinks. More fool me. A month later after many dizzy episodes I passed out completely in a queue. My Doctor said that due to my diet, I could be lacking in zinc and magnesium. That’s when I remembered I had stopped my drinks. Just wanted to share the importance of what you two are doing.
With grateful thanks.” –From Sara E – U.K.
We have so many people write and tell us they are experiencing better sleep, more energy, less depression, less colds, and of course improved bone health from taking nutreince. If you have been taking nutreince and have experienced any inspiring results we would love to hear about them, please email us at TheCaltons@CaltonNutrition.com
Watch Jayson's video here: