7 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Booze

7 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Booze

With Valentines Day around the corner there are probably a lot of you out there who, like us, are planning to celebrate the holiday by sharing a bottle of wine with your special someone. Many people feel a bit guilty that they are enjoying alcoholic beverages, and...
What's Replacing High Fructose Corn Syrup?

What's Replacing High Fructose Corn Syrup?

DANGER ALERT!!! This package may look healthier but in fact, it is more obesity inducing and micronutrient depleting than ever before! In the U.S. today more high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is consumed than sugar. Yes, you read that right. Americans are consuming more...
The Other F-Word

The Other F-Word

Our friend Alexandra Jamieson, will soon be releasing her new book, but before we share, we wanted to introduce you to her first. She was kind enough to put together this article for you, we know you'll enjoy. Take a minute to get acquainted, and learn about why your...
Holiday Triple Threat Recipes

Holiday Triple Threat Recipes

Since we provided you with summer and fall recipes, we found it only fitting that we put together a winter edition of our triple threat! This week we’re combining our 3 most powerful tools (AGAIN!), and putting them all into not one, but TWO easy to make “holiday...
Is it Really About Willpower?

Is it Really About Willpower?

We get really excited when our friends and colleagues write books that we know you, our Calton Nutrition family, is going to enjoy.  We don't like just throwing every new book at you.  Just those that we feel you can get something tangible from– Books that will...
Here's To a Rich Food Thanksgiving!

Here's To a Rich Food Thanksgiving!

Don't be a turkey this Thanksgiving! Let's talk about our Rich Food picks (and favorite recipes) for Thanksgiving. Starting with the Turkey… Before you purchase that frozen conventional turkey this year, we want you to consider a couple of important points on...
Freezing Herbs in SKINNYFat

Freezing Herbs in SKINNYFat

Before we share this great technique from our friend Maria over at Keto Adapted, we want to give you more details on irradiation — or, the reason why we recommend you always purchase organic seasonings and spices! Maria's technique of freezing fresh herbs in our...
SKINNYFat Seaweed Eggrolls (low carb!)

SKINNYFat Seaweed Eggrolls (low carb!)

Did you know that when we experience low energy,  it may be iodine that your body is really craving? When we are iodine deficient, the thyroid—which controls metabolism—begins to stall, making you feel sluggish. Seaweed and kelp are a great source of natural iodine,...